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Criminal Justice Reform 

For many years at the beginning of my career, I watched time and again as politicians trying to prove their “tough on crime” credentials ratcheted up penalties and creating permanent punishments and barriers to reentry for those in the criminal justice system. In my time at the office of the Cook County State’s Attorney, I was proud to be tasked with helping to turn that tide, supporting policies that created diversion programs, alternatives to incarceration, restorative justice practices, and smarter drug policies.

As a legislator, one of my primary missions is to implement smart, bipartisan criminal justice reform. We lock up too many people, keep them for too long, and make it too difficult for them to reintegrate back into society when their release finally comes. Rather than act as a deterrent to recidivism, these punitive measures ensure that youthful mistakes become a lifetime of difficulty getting jobs and finding housing. Often, people in that desperate situation feel they have no choice but to turn back to crime.

In recent years, we have passed legislation increasing job opportunities for ex-offenders, expanding eligibility for record sealing, reducing overly harsh sentences, improving conditions and opportunities in prison facilities, and more.

During this legislative session, I passed a significant piece of legislation known as the CESSA Act, which ensures that individuals experiencing mental health crises will be treated by mental health professionals instead of police. I crafted legislation that allows for resentencing when a defendant’s original sentence no longer advances justice. I even authored legislation aimed at clarifying what constitutes criminal stalking and co-sponsored a monumental bill to prevent false confessions from minors. I am adamant about advancing reforms that promote fairness and equity in our criminal justice system. Below are criminal justice reform bills I have either led on or sponsored during my time as a legislator.


Adult Redeploy Illinois Program Oversight Board Reforms

Resentencing Expansion for Survivors of Domestic Abuse


Fair Treatment of Incarcerated Pregnant People



Community Emergency

Services & Support Act

Resentencing Task

Force Act


Package of Public Safety Reforms


Clarifying the Crime of Stalking


Resentencing Act


Privacy of Child Victims


Proper Compensation for Community Service


Privacy of Adult Victims



Supervised Medical Relief & Care For Incarcerated Individuals

Cannabis & Felony Expungement


Rethinking School Interventions


Practicing Restorative Justice


Criminal Accountability



Gender-Based Violence

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